Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Ready

On Monday, September 17, St. Mary's Academy's eighth-grade class will travel
to Cochiti Lake in New Mexico west of Santa Fe to campfor four nights at the
Cochiti Lake Campground. Accompanied by nine St. Mary’sAcademy
chaperones and two World Leadership School instructors, the group will:

§ Study the culture and history of the CochitiPueblo and surrounding area.
§ Engage in two service projects, one for the rangers at thelake and the other at 
   Cochiti Elementary School.
§ Explore leadership styles and how to lead from strengths andcompensate
  for weaknesses.
§ Study the desert ecology at Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks NationalMonument.
§ Engage in team-building, journaling and reflective exercises.
§ Learn from local artisans and leaders.

Currently, we are planning, preparing and anticipating this amazing adventure!